
Uncommon Journalism is a 100 percent independent, not-for-profit journalistic platform dedicated to unbiased, in-depth coverage of sociocultural issues - big and small - in the United States and abroad.

The goal of the site is to provide readers high quality, professional journalism that not only tackles issues impartially, but zeroes in on subjects corporate media tends to underreport or ignore altogether. While other publications pump out content designed to placate advertisers and other financiers, Uncommon Journalism has no agenda other than a strong desire to shine a spotlight on the social, political and economic concerns that shape our readers' lives. 

All Uncommon Journalism articles are published under Creative Commons licensing - that means every article is free to reprint, reproduce, republish or remix for anyone, anywhere, anytime. And if you have an idea for a story - or feel there's another side to an issue that isn't being publicized elsewhere - feel free to contact us via email, on Twitter or on YouTube


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